From the 1950s onward, the world experiences the most revolutionary and dynamic innovation in centuries:Technology and digital processes. Obviously, the arts in general will benefit of these new tools.
I will set a side subject matters and concepts underlining their use and limitless spectrum. It becomes a playground for experimentation. New forms of artistic expressions incorporate techniques and materials, sound, video, photography, virtual reality, manipulated images. Technological developments and art converge, converting into a multi use tool, valid only in my criteria, when they become the conveying medium and not an end result.
No barriers exist anymore in a now tridimensional use of space. The image is deformed, expanded and compressed, time is accelerated and stopped shifting away from objective representation.
Artist and spectator take part now in an interactive exchange. The artist as well as development of the artwork are the work itself. Happenings, Installations, Performances integrate sound, movement and multiple technical developments seek the best possible path for a unique statement. Nam June Paik, Robert Rauschemberg, Andy Wharhol, KazuoShiraga ,Joan Jonas (one of America’s first “Performance artist”), Carol Schneeman, Bruce Nauman just a few among a very long list.
Multidisciplinary alliances arise between musicians, video and sound experts, choreographs, engineers, architects pushing the boundaries of expression possibilities. Computers are being used more and more frequently.

This unfolding of the digital universe in the arts blurs further more the line between technology and what we have labeled as ART so far. It becomes even more complex with the usage of anonymous internet images and the “cloud”. Many projects are being produce specifically for the “cloud”. The line between what may be virtual and reality is becoming thinner.
Image reproduction and the random use of images are creating a new problem: authorship, publishing rights and marketing premises.
I am quoting a list of artists that can be of interest to the reader and complement the hereby ideas. Daniel Buren, Bill Viola, Vito Acconci, Laurie Anderson, John Baldessari, Dan Graham, Steve McQueen, Robert LePage, Gerhard Richter, Robert Rauschenberg, Gary Hill, Jeff Wall, Otto Piene, Shirin Neshat,Olafur Eliasson…